Friday, March 18, 2005

When is enough enough, and what then?

Here follows my rant about the hugh-ess-ay, our beloved global superpower.
  • They refuse to sign up to the Convention on Biological Diversity. They do so because sharing the benefits of global biological diversity is contrary to their environmental security strategy (their words, basically!!)
  • They attempt to railroad a UK proposal to outlaw illegally logged timber from developed world markets. If successful this could shrink the markets that illegal loggers rely on to flog their timber logged from old growth forests. They (the hugh-ess) do so because it would increase red tape for their poor suffering legal loggers.
  • They attempt to block a UN programme for women's rights. They do so to block any right to abortion. In fact the programme merely suggests that states "consider reviewing laws containing punitive measures against women who have undergone illegal abortions"
  • Bush nominates Paul Wolfowitz, the leading Neo-Conservative and Deputy Secretary of Defence, to run the World Bank. Which goes to show how similar helping and bombing the 3rd world is to them.
When will it stop ? Where are the pipe-wielding anarchists when you need them ! What to do about this ? Write to your MP ? Start a blog ?

... but I love Americans !


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