Friday, August 04, 2006

Hypocrites unite!

George Meyer invites all hypocrites and "total nutjobs" to join the environmental movement in a spot-on hilarious article at the beeb:

True, when you go for a stroll on a Sunday afternoon, nothing seems amiss.

But as we know from horror movies, that's exactly when the giant alien embryos come blasting out of the sidewalk.

We're melting the ice caps, ripping up the rain forest, and vacuuming the oceans of everything that wriggles.

Are we really gonna wreck the whole planet? 'Cause that's a big move. That's like something a crazy stripper would do.

I know, plenty of people aren't worried.

Technology will bail us out. Nothing a few pollution-eating nanobots can't fix.

And if the ecosystem does collapse, we can always load ourselves into enormous rockets, and make a fresh start on Jupiter.

But here's the thing: I don't want to move to Jupiter. I don't even want to move across town.

Precious knick-knacks would get broken; I'd have to order new stationery.

Let's be real: even a well-planned move to Jupiter would be stressful, and tough on relationships. For this reason alone, we should not turn the earth into an apocalyptic hellscape.

That said, if we did turn the earth into an apocalyptic hellscape, a sick part of me would find it thrilling.

I would enjoy watching dazed stockbrokers and ad men clawing at the dirt for edible roots. I'd remind them that they'd been warned of their folly, right here on the BBC website.

And they'd all grunt ruefully, and make me their king.

I have often thought the right to hypocrisy is a basic human one. To opine is easy, to align actions with opinion is most certainly not. So perhaps I am just after an easy life or perhaps we need that easy fluidity to experiment with fresh ideas, to try on new opinions and test for fit without unpleasant consequences (such as the annoyance of life without jet flight and beef steak).

That doesn't mean one should stop trying not to be a hypocrite... you can always offset your carbon airmiles using something like climatecare and write sentimentally about the environment on your blog...


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